Thursday 14 October 2010

Brief Two

Started on my second brief the other day. Visual identity for a new record label. I've decided my outcomes for this brief will be logos for the two sides of the label, logos for four of the artists, business cards, appropriate stationary & a proposed website.
My first plan of action was to decide how to handle the separate labels. As they are quite different in terms of music and general plans in terms of a business I will not make it look as though they are connected only have a link to each other on the proposed websites.
From here I can start designing...

I went straight to the drawing pad to bash out initial ideas for all the logos Im intending to produce...

NDNR Records
This name will possibly change depending on the client ( My good friend Mr. J Pontin) but Im going to work with for it for now and if it does change I will apply whatever kind of style I design to the new name.

Had a couple initial ideas, one being to have a bold slightly condensed sans serif typeface with some sort of drawn design on both sides of the initials NDNR. I definitely want to keep a sense of fun / cheekyness in my designs, after all the genre of music on the label is very upbeat, and all about having a good time! Nothing too serious or bland basically.
I need to take these further and proper draw them up, get a better idea of how it will look.

ODB Records

This label represents just one band, Dumbfound. An indie, alternative group. Now I have very little interest in the genre of Indie so I found this initial stage quite slow! I need to do some research into existing indie labels and just see what the competition is. But yeah, these are some of the things I came up with.

Range of solutions, block type, script styles. Looking at the connection between the letter forms, how they work together and all that. Tried to think of something I could do with the idea of bread (Our Daily Bread Records) but came to the conclusion that it would be bit cliché and tacky.

Playing with the general shapes of the letters, trying to make it look even, reversing the 'D' around so that with the 'B' it looks more round on each end.

Thought of the Toyota logo randomly. Its always been a logo that I like as when i was younger some friend pointed out that you can spell out Toyota with letterforms found inside the logo. So Here Iv made a clear o, put a line down to form a D inside it, then added a drawn 3 to create the B with the straight line. I think it will look a lot better when made into a proper icon style logo, even and black. Something to do like.

* Plan

- Draw up finalized designs for preferred ideas for both Labels.
- Experiment with type on Illustrator for both labels.

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