Tuesday 19 October 2010

Brief One


This week I have gone back to the first brief as this is the one I want to try and get pretty much finished by my crit on thursday. A pretty tall ask but I'll see how far I get.
Started where I left it, that was having one quote finished as a drawing, showing the style that I want, the next move being to vectorise it...

Took me the best part of a day to just get this down, bearing in mind I started it at about 10 and had web workshop in the afternoon (post coming soon) After doing the main bit it still looked very flat so I had a go at playing with it, trying different things but to no avail.

So I then got a tablet out and tried to recreate the 3d / rounded effects of the original drawings. Took me a little while to get used to the tablet as it was the first time I've ever used one but i think it's working pretty well...

Reasoning for colour?
For each illustration I want to best represent the person from the quote and the interview I got it from. Also looking closer at the riders, what they ride at the moment, (what colour is their board?) what they wear at the moment, have a matching colour scheme to their outfit?
For this the colour was staring me in the face, chocolate & wine - brown and purple / blue. The purple / blue being grapes ofcourse, grapes - wine. For others I shall have to dig deeper.

Not fully finished yet but will be in the next hour or so.
From here I need to decide whether to draw up the rest of the designs like this, first doing it free hand to get the right look for each quote OR take this design to my proposed range, the board itself, stickers, the tags / packaging of the board.
Il make this decision when i finish this one design.

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