Saturday 20 November 2010

Logo Development

Coming back to my second brief and starting off with work on the logo for DJ Crutch, who is actually me! So it was bound to be fairly easy! I knew what I wanted and had in mind, something in a similar style to this ...
Here showing the process of making the logo, again keeping the hand drawn type up, everything from scratch.

firstly drawing my initial ideas, then going into illustrator to re-create the type...
Keep on seeing black dots in the white space, not good! Optical illusion is not what I want.

From here Making sure the type is right, rounding off all the sharp edges,

Coming to this point wasn't sure if it needed more or if it was finished! So I played with it a little more,

Feeling the purple, one of my fave colours and I tend to wear a lot of purple so makes sense, But in its simplest form... Might change or maybe get rid of the circle / full stop but yeah!

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