Monday 29 November 2010

DPS Development

About Page

Moving on to the 'About' section, A page that I had experimented and played with earlier on in the module. So was quite quick to come to final stage for that. When printed it shall have the second last page on the left side, the 'Getting There' section. So when printed and binded it shall read correct and the pages will be in the right places and at the right time.
Took the style of the About page and transferred it to the Getting There...

Pale blue drop, off black copy, and (spot) blue for title, off white for quote.
Copy is 8pt Century Gothic, standard leading & kern, 12pt header and various for large bold text in MLB Astros. Keeping it user friendly, easy to follow and inviting to read want as much white (blue) space as possible really. Clean and clear.

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