Tuesday 30 November 2010

Eero Niemela

Digitalising one of the four remaining snowboard artwork illustrations.
Firstly tracing the drawing, then colour. I made my choice on colour from a photo of Niemela on the team web-page. The image is actually two layers, first layer with just the blue and the second with a 80% opacity and gradient of yellow / gold going to nothing, layed on top.
From there I added the high and low lights, making the words appear more round, 3D and generally just much better!
Then adding the shadows, essentially following the process I had for the first illustration, Chocolate & wine.
From here I had to come up with a K2 logo for Eero and the design which after a quick bit of idea bashing got me to the final image you see here.

Very pleased with it, love the colours, golden / yellow wings taking flight into the sky, sick!

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