Tuesday 9 March 2010

YCN / My chosen brief

Taking the two briefs to Martyn, we both came to the decision that the Brief based on hiring the BME out was the better one, it seemed a more interesting & different idea and also the more exciting out of the two.  
It was also at this point where martyn came to me and showcased a concept he had come up with! I really liked it, partly because he had done his best to make it exciting and funny. The general jist of it is, 'rekindle your youth' the premise of it was to look at people who have once had a big passion for music yet due to age and general life their dreams go out the window. Getting the people to rekindle these fond memory's of their lost passion. Our plan is to work on both the concepts separately, helping each other with certain bits, pushing the ideas further! But yeah working on these concepts till we get a good idea of how each one will look and what not, at this point we shall choose one and submit it!  

Promote the BME as a function room available for hire, aswell as an interactive museum. 

The BME has a 3,768 sq ft function room available to hire whenever! Not enough people know of this and are therefore not using the space.

The space can be used for many a thing, Cocktail Reception / Rock or Pop Gig / Private & Corporate events / Awards Ceremony, etc.

Target Audience:
Music related Businesses, Music Agencies & Labels based around the London area. 

Tone of Voice:
Exciting, Persuasive, Informative, Friendly, Fun

Think conceptually! 
There is the need to contact the target audience directly, what is the best way to do so?
Go big or go home. 

Mandatory Requirements:  
Must use the BME logo keeping the original colours. No changes! 

3 X A2 Presentation boards - YCN
5 X A2 Presentation boards - Hand in. 

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