Tuesday 16 March 2010

YCN / Lost

It was after deciding on the tag-line where me and Martyn got lost, we got a bit lost within our idea, not really knowing what we were to do next! We had the tag-line and had the ideas for the brief, we just didn't know how to resolve them and what we were going to put on our presentation boards. 
We had a sit down with Fred, where we stated our concept and our idea and our problem of just not knowing how to present it!
What fred pointed out is that to resolve the storyboards how we wanted, they would be lens-based, the problem here is that it would be really hard for us to set up one of the situations we had made up within our ideas, we needed something much more simple.
Furthermore Fred stated that the videos were far to complicated, which was a fair statement. 
So to simplify it we came to a new slightly different idea. Instead of TV commercials we will make press ads. The subject of which will be a photo of a normal person in a normal situation only dressed up as their music hero. So to say they are living a dream of being that person! 
We also stripped the tag-line back from ' dont just dream it, experience it' to ' dont just dream it' as the experience is the museum and will kind of already be shown in the poster and that. 
An important factor of these posters is that the person the character dresses up as is a very iconic person within British music, this making it blatantly obvious! 

So the idea...

2 Photos!
- A male standing at a bus stop waiting for the bus, nice and normal, however he is dressed as Freddy Mercury! White tank top, white jeans, arm band, moustache, win!
This will be made into a press ad with the tag-line and logo etc The context for this press ad shall be on posters at bus shelters and on posters inside the bus. 

- Another male, at the petrol station filling up his normal car, only dressed up as ginger spice from the Spice Girls! Fulfilling his dream!
This will be again produced into a poster with the tag-line and logo's on. The context of this will be on billboards as this is for drivers.

The reasoning of the context for the press ads, is the context within the photos is the context for the posters!

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