Friday 19 March 2010

YCN / Final Crit

Going into the crit me and Martyn were pretty confident with our idea, however we suspected to be torn into a little bit by Graham. Which we were! He had concerns about our tagline and the people we were aiming at. 
He was under the belief that people don't lose their passion for music so we were aiming it at the wrong people. I disagreed, i think that when people are in their youth, 16-20's their interest in music is huge, forming bands, playing instruments a lot, then people grow up and have to get jobs, pay bills etc so music becomes something smaller than what it once was, I personally see this as people losing some passion for music, I feel the problem within the crit was simply the word passion, it could be explained better by i guess time, people have lost the time for their passion in music!
I feel as though me Mart and Graham were on the same page, concerning the concept and idea however we were just expressing it differently!
Another point that Graham raised was that our tag-line wasn't right, it was close but not there. The main problem with it we all felt was that starting with 'Dont' is telling people something to do/dont do, people dont like taking orders so we need to change that.
Other than this stuff our concept was liked so s'all good.

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