Wednesday 8 December 2010

Jordan Mendenhall / Snowboard

Another board! Really like the colours of this one, found designing these boards really enjoyable so far. I get a kick when I look at a possible design and I think, yes I'd ride that. Looks sick son, urghhhhhhh.
But yeah, still following the previous process of playing with few different ideas / compositions then creating a few different variations of the collage, trying different layers / sizes etc

Not sure If I've mentioned but each board will have 4 variations of the design, this being the done thing with snowboards as they come in a range of sizes, often groups of 4 or 5. So each board will be available in 4 dif sizes each with a slightly diff graphic on the bottom. Hence why I've got 4 single variations on each board design post.

Finally coming to this as my fave out of the 4...

The fuck meat, bring som humor and sets it off. Just that little bit extra.

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