The stationary set and business cards were done in the Mac rooms as I was denied 5 times to get in the dungoen (weather / illness / no appearance / the god of technology being against me). This wasn't such a problem though, as I just needed white paper for the letter heads etc but the slip mat and business cards were a bit of a pain.
Having to print both sides, then cut out v carefully and then v carefully spray mount them to some thin card, which then had to be cut down very carefully.
They came out alright though tbf along with some war wounds. The slipmat had to be 2 A3's then carefully cut and stuck down together so the design lined up, bit annoying! but got there in the end...
There was one slight hiccup, when I first printed everything the light grey didnt show up on the design so therefore neither did the logo, this was a big problemo. So I had to go back to the designs and darken the grey on all of it. However, upon doing this because the colours were set to multiply (original) it made the brighter colour very dark and, well shit! So I had to scrap the multiply, if it were printed in the dungeon I dont think this would have been an issue, but considering time left and work I want to get done I'm happy to leave it at this, still looks pretty sweet I feel! Hasn't made it look any worse anyway.

Really happy with the outcome, my photography could do with some work, but I've never claimed to be a photographer, I am simply awful at it! But fortunately my work doesn't suffer too much because of it. Strong visual body of work. More to come.
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