Moving onto designing business cards for the label DJ's . Having the first one done means Im essentially taking this and accustoming it to the DJ logo, My plan is to have a certain colour for each artist aswell. Again referring back to the posters, the colour I've taken from there could be part of the visual identity for just the label, thus becoming the colour of NDNR. Then taking this further to give each DJ a colour of their own... This can then be taken to the wider range and the products I intend to design / mock up.

Crutch (Me) = purple.
So again playing with the information, simple, common sense positioning and place for the logo.
What colours to use, little differences in information to give, but a simple enough process...

Resulting in this...

Matching the colour of the logo on the back of the card to the DJ, aswell as the line separating the label name and personal info. Type in black.
Having come up with this design, which I think is an improvement on the NDNR card i will now need to go back to it that and change it to this layout.

Rawree = Blue. Was a colour I was close to including in his actual logo.

Unkle Filth, either coral /red or yellow...

I went for Yellow...

Tigger was always green, matching the hat that he always wears...

Final Rawree...

New and improved final NDNR.

And finally as a set...

Think they make an attracting fresh set of business cards. Relating back to some of the cards I have on my context blog. Where they have thought carefully about how to organise the cards personally with use of colour and what not... Here's my own take on how to personalise yet keep within the same set / representing the same brand.
Stock to use I thought will either be white matt / or satin. Don't one something too shiny and plastic looking, i feel that will lose some professionalism and bring tacky to the party.
pure white to bring out the brightness of the colour as black would make it appear darker.
Business cards are a great way to advertise your business.Plastic business cards