Taking the design and colour from the poster set, my general thoughts on the design of the business cards was to have one side a bright colour / eye attracting thing then on the back have the logo with general b-card like info with white space to write on etc
When needed to create something in line with the posters, it made a lot of sense to me to use the background design from them as its quite eye catching and a young / relevant style.
This is a shortened down journey of designing the card...

Playing first with the front (if you will) of the card, eye catching bit! Focus on how to have the logo, firstly had troubles fitting the whole original logo on the card without it spilling over things, so shortened that down to simply the bracket bit. This being a clever part of design in the logo as it has the ability to be shortened and broken down yet still fully work as the same thing.
From that it was then a matter of playing with colour, opacity and positioning to create the below design. Eye catching and an even design with use of the logo in white.

Now to design the back part or information part of the card.
This time using the full logo, as there is adequate spacing to do so. (The small type can only been read at a certain size, the dimensions of the card allow, but when given the whole card to use.
I figured out a list of the info I wanted to have on the card,
Logo / name / job title / email / phone number / website (fake)
So I played with these for a while, trying different compositions, with the general focus being on making it clear easy to read...

I shall also be designing business cards for each of the DJ's as part of the NDNR Label. So this will be subject to change, depending on how this design fits in with using the DJ information but more importantly the DJ logos.

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