Monday, 29 November 2010

Sizes and Poster Design

So coming to a final decision on size for my booklet / brochure whatever you want to call it!
Considering the context in more depth in my last post I went on to measure the Metro, find the dimensions of that, then reduce a few cm and bang, I've got my format, bearing in mind it will also have to fit inside various magazines.
From this then figure out the possible sizes for the poster insert, The poster being a keep sake, something to put on your wall / notice board / office etc. The content of which is simply the line up for the festival, So the bigger the better really.


With the dimensions in place, went on to mess around designing the poster...

Came to a point in the design process, where I had to decide whether to keep the exact same style and colour scheme as the booklet or have something a bit different. Think I did it by accident but turning one box black really made it stand out, specially with the blues / white and greys for the text. It made me think that as it was a poster with the line-up on it should stand out and grab the eye, this being something that the black did more than the blue. So decided to mix it up a bit...

Until I got to this, Off A format, should get 2 of these prints to 1 A1 print.
The poster is folded in half, having this as the front, the blue being the top and white bottom.

Then when folded out on the other side, the line up!

Fairly quick but successful design I feel, had nothing but good feedback on it, hopefully will be just as good when printed. Not sure on stock at the moment, for the booklet I intend to use sugar paper, after the successful prints I've had so far using off white, news print I thought I'd continue with it. For the poster though im not too sure, half tempted to try satin, not gloss, think that might be bit too much, but want white paper to make the white stand out and bright! If I had any money, I would print tests on al sorts of paper but it's become far too expensive considering the amount of work I am producing at the moment.

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