Wednesday, 26 May 2010

Merchandise Proposals

CD Cover

So i designed a few simple mock ups very early on in the project for CD's and now having my three major products on place, Logo, Calendar & website i want to go back to the general merchandise products, like CD's vinyls t shirts and what not,
firstly tackle the CD cover...

I started off with just using what i already had, and thinking of a way to make them into a range. Came up with two different ones, firstly keep the range of the months, so every month along with the calendar there is a cd released or vinyl. It makes sense to maybe have the two, on vinyl have them released for each artist as they only hold a couple of songs, and for the cd's to be released every month with the calendars, which will hold a number of songs from each artist. Boom.
In terms of style i had a think and i wanted to make something more than just block colour and vector imagery, so had a cheeky think and thought id just photograph some interesting things, looking at texture at first etc then found my mixer! Highly appropriate!

Came to this finalised product pretty much, using the selection style from the website, think they work really well, quite minimal yet with busy imagery, not bad for a days work. So thats the cover.

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