Sunday, 11 October 2009

What is Good?

What is good?
What a question, well to me good is something, someone, somewhere that brings pleasure, something that is the opposite to bad! and better than ok! 

The first exercise i did was brainstorm things that i think are good! 

. Sun . Laughter . snow . snowboarding . music . friends . Nelson Mandela . Free Health care . sofa's . will ferrell . food . kfc . subway . logitech z5500 . lager . nights out . raves . internet . mobile phones . boyband . graphic design . the sea . san diego . ron burgundy . free things . girls . life . nature . disneyworld . christmas

Obviously  i could go on forever on what i think is good!  
But yeah i need to choose something to form an argument for why is it good, and prove it etc 

I cut it down to two choices!

1. My snowboard- Ride DH 
2. My sound system- Logitech Z 5500

Both have very valid good points! and both are very close to my heart!

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