An area that I have somewhat neglected since the typography sessions, but now having free time I have planned to work on creating an identity for me, this basically being some kind of logo.
What I have at the moment in terms of a logo / identity are the two designs below. The Bottom design is taken from some of the work I did during the typography sessions, simple purely type based work, this is a style I intend to take further and create more simplistic designs using just my name or an abbreviation of.

First initial design, I just really wanted to put something in a box. My whole name is a bit big i reckon so something that I had thought of in the past is using my initials M R G. This can also be used to read, Mr G, which is already existent in itself on letters and credit cards and shit! Clever. The reasoning behind the square is from a logo of an online magazine called Motif that an old friend works for...

I thought nice! So I tried designing some things, seeing what i thought looked good and strong as a logo for me...

From this cheeky designing session I pretty much came to this as a final product for it...

Showing some variation from upper to lower case, think out of the two I prefer the aesthetics of the lower however the descender of the 'g' misbalances it a bit I think and some people might try to read it as the word, "merge". I think the typography of it needs some work, not sure if it fits with the square design which I do actually really like, more playing around to be done I feel.
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