Promotional campaign
The Brief
Produce a promotional campaign for Snowbombing 2011. The alternative music festival where the mud is the luxury.
There are two selling points to the festival, the music and the snow. How can you capitalize on these, does one carry more importance?
Concept / Proposition
“It’s like Ibiza in the snow”
Target Audience
Consider that the festival attracts all people from around Europe, not just England. Age range to be researched but the audience will be music lovers & snowsport (Ski / Snowboard) enthusiasts.
Tone of Voice
Unique, Young, Daring.
The festival combines the experience of the Alps with some of the best DJ’s in the world.
This will be the 11th year of the festival which has a large range of sponsors from Volvo, MTV, Document Snowboards to Club partners such as Metropolis & Wax:On. Also to be researched.
Mandatory Requirements
Range of products varying over print and screen.
Printed material such as posters / flyers / leaflets / editorial holiday brochure?
Digital Material such as internet banners / Iphone applications
Something inventive / unique encompassing the festival in itself.
The Brief
Design a limited Snowbombing edition useable piste map for the resort of Mayrhofen. The map should show all the piste runs and lifts as well as including information on the festival, showing where the venues are and the like.
Understand the nature and events / activities of the festival. Also consider the town as it is a main feature of the festival. The range of things to include is vast, Piste runs to bars and clubs, how can these all be put across.
Concept / Proposition
“It’s like Ibiza in the snow”
Target Audience
Consider that the festival attracts all people from around Europe, not just England. Age range to be researched but the audience will be music lovers & snowsport (Ski / Snowboard) enthusiasts.
Tone of Voice
Unique, Young, Daring.
The festival combines the experience of the Alps with some of the best DJ’s in the world.
This will be the 11th year of the festival which has a large range of sponsors from Volvo, MTV, Document Snowboards to Club partners such as Metropolis & Wax:On. Also to be researched.
Mandatory Requirements
Designed and printed, fully useable piste map
Design boards showing your design process & development.
Final product
The Brief
Produce a new logo as part of a brand identity for Snowbombing.
Understand the nature of the event and target audience in order to create an appropriate solution. Study the existing logo, what could be changed in order to improve.
Concept / Proposition
“It’s like Ibiza in the snow”
Target Audience
Consider that the festival attracts all people from around Europe, not just England. Age range to be researched but the audience will be music lovers & snowsport (Ski / Snowboard) enthusiasts.
Tone of Voice
Unique, Young, Daring.
The existing logo takes a play on the word Snowbombing by focusing on the image of a bomb. Is this too cliche? Could it be done better?
The festival combines the experience of the Alps with some of the best DJ’s in the world.
This will be the 11th year of the festival which has a large range of sponsors from Volvo, MTV, Document Snowboards to Club partners such as Metropolis & Wax:On. Also to be researched.
Mandatory Requirements
Use of the chosen logo.
Design boards showing your design process & development.
Various application of the logo over a range of formats and media.
Musical visual identity
The Brief
Create a visual identity for an up and coming DJ.
What is a visual identity? what already exists out there for other dj’s / musicians? How far can you take it and what forms of media can you include and play with? What have similar and other DJ’s done, how have they represented themselves visually, what can you do to top it? From DJ Jaguar Skills’s cartoon character to a simple typographic solution.
The genre of music that you are representing is important, find your target audience and find out what they like and what they can relate too. How will you get your chosen DJ into the media / publics eye.
Concept / Proposition
Your ideas can take any form you think appropriate for your rationale.
Represent the chosen artist how they want to be seen.
Target Audience
To be researched upon choosing an artist.
Find out what these people like, react to. What do they do / read, what websites do they visit.
Tone of Voice
To be found from selected artist.
Again information to be found when an artist has been chosen.
Mandatory Requirements
A body of work when collated produces a visual identity for the chosen artist.
An appropriate presentation of your design.
Design boards displaying process & development.
Celebrating the work of ____________
The Brief
Redesign the album artwork from a chosen artist to create a custom / unique set of albums.
What are the major albums from the artists career? Do you include all or only choose a few. The albums need to create a set so they need to share the same style, how can this be done? What kind of music does the artist create? How can you incorporate this into your work. What is the artwork for the original albums like?
Concept / Proposition
Your ideas can take any form you think appropriate for your rationale.
Represent the chosen artist how they want to be seen.
The new set of albums is to recognise, appreciate and celebrate the works of the artist.
Target Audience
To be researched upon choosing an artist.
Find out what these people like, react to. What do they do / read, what websites do they visit.
Tone of Voice
Celebratory, appreciative.
Also to be found from selected artist.
Again information to be found when an artist has been chosen.
Mandatory Requirements
A set of album artwork designs for chosen artist.
An appropriate presentation of your design.
Design boards displaying process & development.
Musical visual identity
The Brief
Create a visual identity for a new local music label.
What is a visual identity? what already exists out there for other labels & agencies? How far can you take it and what forms of media can you include and play with? What have similar and other labels done, how have they represented themselves visually, what can you do to top it? From Sony BMG to Domino records.
The genre of music that you are representing is important, find your target audience and find out what they like and what they can relate too. How will you get your chosen label into the media / publics eye. What artists are on the label, how can they be used.
Concept / Proposition
Your ideas can take any form you think appropriate for your rationale.
Represent the chosen label how they want to be seen considering the artists they represent.
Target Audience
To be researched upon choosing a label.
Find out what these people like, react to. What do they do / read, what websites do they visit.
Tone of Voice
To be found from selected label and artists represented.
Again information to be found when a label has been chosen.
Important aspects, artists represented, location, availability, what is on offer.
Mandatory Requirements
A body of work when collated produces a visual identity for the chosen label.
An appropriate presentation of your design.
Design boards displaying process & development.
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Blank canvas
The Brief
Produce a design for a wall inside a selected club.
What dimensions are you working to? What kind of club is it, what are the beliefs / attitudes of the establishment.
Think of the context in which the wall will be seen aswell as the situation of the wall, where is the light coming from, is lighting an issue how can you get around this.
What kind of nights are held in the place and what genres of music does it adhere to.
Concept / Proposition
Your ideas can take any form you think appropriate for your rationale.
Target Audience
Who goes to the club?
Find out what these people like, react to. What do they do / read, what websites do they visit.
Tone of Voice
To be found upon selection of club.
Depends on the kind of nights / music the club hold and play also dependent on the kind of people that visit the club on a regular basis.
Dependent upon the club.
Mandatory Requirements
Range of work and designs with a final proposal design.
An appropriate presentation of your design.
Design boards displaying process & development.
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Promotional material
The Brief
Design & produce the necessary promotional material for a chosen club-night.
Most factors of this project will all depend on what club-night you choose.
What already exists in the form of promotion, how can you compete with these and if possible go further than them. What does the club have at the moment in terms of promotion, what is successful and what isn’t?
What are the rival club-nights to yours, what are they doing to promote?
What style of promotion is best suited for the target audience of the club / night.
Image or copy?
Concept / Proposition
Your ideas can take any form you think appropriate for your rationale.
Promote the club-night so that it attracts new people aswell as keeping existing customers.
Target Audience
Who goes to the club?
Find out what these people like, react to. What do they do / read, what websites do they visit.
Tone of Voice
To be found upon selection of club.
Depends on the kind of nights / music the club hold and play also dependent on the kind of people that visit the club on a regular basis.
Dependent upon the club.
Mandatory Requirements
Range of work and designs with a final set of promotional designs.
An appropriate presentation of your design.
Design boards displaying process & development.
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Festival Season
The Brief
Design & produce the programme for a particular summer music festival
Dependent upon what festival.
What information do you need to include in the programme. What is of importance and what isn’t, consider hierarchy.
What form will the programme take, what do conventional programme’s look like?
Choose a simple format or push this form of media to something new.
Keep in mind that these are often kept as souvenirs from the festival.
What is the current visual identity for the festival like? What has been done in the past for the chosen and other festivals. Colour schemes and style is an important factor.
Concept / Proposition
Your ideas can take any form you think appropriate for your rationale.
This is essentially info-graphics, clearly present the necessary information in a stylish and aesthetically pleasing way.
Target Audience
Who goes to the festival?
Find out what these people like, react to. What do they do / read, what websites do they visit.
Tone of Voice
To be found upon selection of festival.
Depends on the kind of music that is being played at the festival.
Generally speaking, it should be clear / informative.
Dependent upon the festival.
Mandatory Requirements
Range of work and designs with a final programme design.
An appropriate presentation of your design.
Design boards displaying process & development.
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Board artwork
The Brief
Design the artwork for the 2011 Ride DH Board, take this design over a range of hardware and media.
Snowboards usually come in a range of sizes, each varying slightly in design. What has already been done? Find out.
What else can these designs be taken to, other boarding hardware? Website / catalogue?
Concept / Proposition
DH Snowboard, What legends are made of.
Target Audience
To be defined, however will be obviously snowboarders, specifically park based riders. What do these people like / wear / buy and why? Style is important.
Tone of Voice
Freestyle, Fresh, Brash.
Ride Snowboards is part of K2 Sports and has been running for 19 years / seasons. They produce high quality long lasting products which they release on a seasonal scale. The board designs throughout these years have had a strong typographic style.
Mandatory Requirements
Snowboard artwork designs across available sizes.
An appropriate presentation of your designs.
Design boards presenting design process and development
Product catalogue
The Brief
Design a catalogue for a snowboard brand of your choice, showcasing the brands products of the 2010/11 season.
Depending on which brand you choose the products may range from clothing to boards from goggles to gloves. Consider making this product as a range, how can this be done.
Think distribution, where and how will people get this, how can they carry it. Be innovative.
Concept / Proposition
Your ideas and designs should portray you chosen brand in the right light. Find the
concept / rationale behind the brand to find your own concept.
Target Audience
To be researched upon choosing brand. For certain they will be snowboarders / take an interest in snowsport culture.
Tone of Voice
Clear, Positive.
Dependent upon chosen brand
Mandatory Requirements
Printed product catalogue
An appropriate presentation of your design.
Design boards displaying process & development.
The Brief
Design & Produce a new clothing line for a snowboard brand of your choice.
What is a clothing line?
Make a new sub-brand name or carry the existing logo and name from your chosen brand.
What makes a clothing line, can it be just t-shirts, or is it one or more designs taken over a larger range of products.
Concept / Proposition
Your ideas can take any form you think appropriate for your rationale.
You can choose to treat this clothing line as though it is just being lanched and not able to rely on the chosen brand’s track record, or you can play off the success / popularity of that brand.
Target Audience
To be researched.
Tone of Voice
Will depend on chosen brand and what you feel is appropriate.
Dependent upon chosen brand.
Mandatory Requirements
A designed (proposed) clothing line.
An appropriate presentation of your design.
Design boards displaying process & development.
The Brief
Design and produce 5 limited edition T-shirts based on Shaun White, on behalf of Burton. The t-shirts are to celebrate and promote Shaun as a rider and ofcourse promote Burton.
What has Shaun achieved within snowboarding, what does he wear, what board does he ride. Nicknames / quotes, these can all inspire design ideas.
Concept / Proposition
Shaun White is many things, but most notably he’s driven.
Your ideas can take any form you think appropriate for your rationale.
Target Audience
To be researched. Shaun’s appeal stretches further than snowboarding, consider this. What is Burtons target audience?
Tone of Voice
Find the tone of voice best appropriate to embody both Shaun and burton.
Shaun White is many things but most nostably he’s driven. He holds many of the highest accolades within snowboarding and skateboarding, and at 23, he’s only getting started. An X games double threat with medals in both snowboarding and skateboarding, as well as a gold medal from the 2006 winter olympics, Shaun White possesses insane skills and instantly recognizable looks. This amazing combination has made him one of the most recognizable sports figures of his time.
Mandatory Requirements
5 T-shirt Designs
An appropriate presentation of your design.
Design boards displaying process & development.
Some of these are quite vague, this is due to not wanting to fully close the briefs and make them entirely specific. As obviously these could be briefs for any snowboarding brand, at a later date I shall take these and make them more specific to a chosen brand. However before that, I have more briefs to write up for these...
Brand Identity
The Brief
Create a brand identity for, Kuna, a new snowboarding company.
What is a brand identity? How far can you take it, how far does it need to be taken. Consider existing brands within boarding, research into what they do, do this then go further.
Consider format & forms of media from a range of printed materials to digital design.
Concept / Proposition
Your ideas can take any form you think appropriate for your rationale.
Kuna is a new brand and cannot rely on the track record of other established companies.
Target Audience
For certain they will be snowboarders / take an interest in snowsport culture. Other than that it is up to you who you target this company to OR Refer to Kuna’s mission statement on their beliefs and who they want to reach out to.
Tone of Voice
Kuna believe they are... New, Fresh, Original, Hedonistic.
Take it upon yourself to come up with an appropriate tone of voice concerning the chosen target audience.
Kuna is a new boarding brand, it can either be a company that produces hardware, specific or general, they can also produce other merch such as clothing / accessories. It could be a purely clothing company or specialize in something such as bags. For now it is up to you.
Mandatory Requirements
An assortment of designs / prints / goods combining to make a brand identity for Kuna.
An appropriate presentation of your design.
Design boards displaying process & development.
Brand Identity
The Brief
Design a logo as part of a brand identity for, Kuna, a new snowboarding company.
Research into existing board company logo’s. It is up to you whether you include the name of the brand in the logo, is there an interesting way to do so? What does a logo do and where does / can it go. As it is a new company you need to get the logo out there and make it rememberable.
Concept / Proposition
Your ideas can take any form you think appropriate for your rationale.
Kuna is a new brand and cannot rely on the track record of other established companies.
Target Audience
For certain they will be snowboarders / take an interest in snowsport culture. Other than that it is up to you who you target this company to OR Refer to Kuna’s mission statement on their beliefs and who they want to reach out to.
Tone of Voice
Kuna believe they are... New, Fresh, Original, Hedonistic.
Take it upon yourself to come up with an appropriate tone of voice concerning the chosen target audience.
Kuna is a new boarding brand, it can either be a company that produces hardware, specific or general, they can also produce other merch such as clothing / accessories. It could be a purely clothing company or specialize in something such as bags. For now it is up to you.
Mandatory Requirements
A finalized logo design
An appropriate presentation of your design.
Design boards displaying process & development.
Promotion / Advertising Campaign
The Brief
Create a campaign that promotes one of the 3 main boarding companies, Burton, K2 & Ride. Choose a single or a line of products from one brand, advertise and promote these products or simply promote the brand as a whole.
It is up to you what you do, create an advertisement for a product or a range of products or promote the brand in new and interesting ways. Create an event / competition or create various applications of a logo. Design adverts for the web or for printed editorials.
Concept / Proposition
Your ideas can take any form you think appropriate for your rationale.
What has your chosen brand done in the past how can you work from this.
Target Audience
For certain they will be snowboarders / take an interest in snowsport culture.
To be researched upon choosing which brand you want to work with.
Tone of Voice
To be found from selected boarding brand.
These are arguably the biggest players within boarding, however Ride is a sub company under K2 sports which K2 belongs to. Burton is the biggest owning a lot of other boarding brand and companies. All have a specific style which are easily recognised, aswell as their logos which are dominant within their products and visual identity.
Research into chosen brand to find detailed background & necessary information.
Mandatory Requirements
A body of work promoting / advertising your chosen brand.
An appropriate presentation of your design.
Design boards displaying process & development.